The annual rating of the “Forest Industry” magazine once again put the Vologda Group of Companies in the leaders for the year 2021. Last year the company was on the 11th line in the ranking of the Top 50 largest companies in the timber industry of Russia*. And it was recognized as the fastest growing company.
By the end of 2021, VLP received revenue of 30 billion rubles, which is 63.8% more than a year earlier. In 2021 the volume of lumber production of the Group of companies amounted to 400 thousand m3, roundwood – 1, 75 million m3, fuel pellets – 28.7 thousand tons, as well as the joint ventures of the Group produced a total of 503, 4 thousand m3 of wood boards.
Alexander Shangin, General Director of JSC “Vologodskiye Lesopromyshlenniki Group of Companies”:
«Despite global trends related mainly to the 2020-2021 pandemic, all of the Group’s enterprises performed more than successfully last year. Competent maneuvering of commodity flows and a well-tuned strategy of product distribution among target sales markets yielded record results. Due to the unprecedented growth of prices for forest products on the global market, export revenue from sales increased from 7.5 billion rubles to 11.4 billion rubles.».
In addition, in 2021 the company’s estimated woodcutting area was increased by 504 thousand cubic meters per year. Thus, today the logging enterprises of the Vologda Group of Companies have at their disposal 3.6 mln. m3 of the estimated woodcutting area per year.
It is worth noting the fact that reforestation activities of the holding affected 7 thousand hectares.