November 26, 2021 held a meeting of the Council of the Union of Timber Industry and Forest Exporters of the Vologda region. The meeting was attended by members of the Council, the management of the Department of Forestry Complex of the region.
Head of the Department of Forestry Roman Markov reported on changes in regional legislation to optimize the standards of the citizens’ timber harvesting for their own needs.
Deputy Head of the Department of Forestry Sergey Nazarov informed those present about the results of the fire season and the requirements of the Federal Forestry Agency to comply with the forest legislation.
The Department of Forestry of the region noted the active participation of the forest tenants in extinguishing forest fires in the Vologda region in the difficult fire season of 2021, through which was able to quickly localize forest fires and prevent their spread to large areas.
Members of the Union of Forest Industrialists and Forest Exporters of the Vologda region, as well as forest land tenants were recommended to consider the possibility of participation with the Department of Forestry Complex in the creation of video monitoring system of forest fires in the region.
Alexei Evstafiev, Executive Director of the Union, reported on changes in the requirements of forest legislation on accounting and transportation of timber, the readiness of the subordinate legislation and the LesEGAIS system.
Chairman of the Union Council Alexander Churkin:
«Thanks to the activities of the working group “on the regulatory guillotine” in the field of forestry, it was possible to significantly reduce the possible burden on the forest business and ensure compliance of newly adopted regulations with the requirements of forest and related legislation».
In addition, Alexander Churkin drew attention to the unpreparedness of the regulatory framework, special software and changes in LesEgais, which may entail significant costs to forest users, reducing the volume of production and transportation of timber, the risks of administrative liability.
During the meeting of the Council it was decided to apply to the relevant federal authorities with a proposal to postpone the entry into force of the norms of accounting and transportation of timber on January 1, 2023.