Twenty-two ships with timber have been shipped since the beginning of navigation in 2022 by the enterprises of the Vologda Timber Group.
In the middle of June multipurpose dry-cargo ship of river-sea class Petrotrans-5901, 141 meters long, chartered by LDK №2 LLC from PT-Group LLC, started its voyage. The vessel was loading with lumber at the quay wall of LLC LDK №2 hydraulic structure in Vytegra. This vessel of RSD59* project belongs to “Volgo-Don Max” class, has maximum possible dimensions for VDSC and can take more than 10 thousand cubic meters of sawn timber onboard.
CJSC Onego-Transles’ floating crane is loading lumber produced by LLC LDK No. 2 onto the ship at a rate of more than a thousand cubic meters per day. In a few days the cargo of pine lumber from Vologda Timber Group will leave for Egypt.
Next river-sea going vessel “Surgut” Project 19611 “Volga” is expected to be loaded from the berth of “LDK ¹2” at the end of June and will be sent to Egypt with the consignment of 5500 meters of cubic pine timber.
Andrei Konoplyov, director of the division “VLP-Woodworking” of JSC “Group of companies “Vologda timber industry”:
«Delivery of large volumes of general cargo, including lumber, by river and sea vessels is the best way of transportation over long distances. “LDK №2” is located directly on the Volgo-Balta. One of our companies performs stevedoring operations on the Volga-Baltic and has its own floating cranes and tugboats. In recent years the deficit in the fleet of “river-sea” vessels has been growing, so the shipment of the Petrotrans 5901 dry cargo vessel is the first experience of shipping a vessel of this size with lumber on the Volgo-Balta and, of course, is great luck and help to the company in the current times of crisis».