State Duma deputy Alexey Kanaev held a meeting with the staff of LDK №2 within the framework of the regional week.

The deputy told the plant’s employees about the geopolitical situation and the situation in the country. Separately, he informed about the support of loggers and woodworkers. He promised that all the commitments made by the Government and the deputies will be fulfilled.

In addition, the head of Vytegorsky District Alexander Zimin was present at the meeting. He praised the social responsibility of the Group of Companies VLP even in such difficult times and thanked for the support in the restoration of the Purification Church in Vytegra.

Employees of LDK №2 did not remain the listener and asked questions to the representatives of the authorities: about the construction of social facilities, in particular the gym and the school, about the reconstruction of the road, about the provision of teachers in schools and the provision of human resources to enterprises, the development of targeted training in universities of the region.

Of course, special attention of the deputy and the head was paid to the support of the industry, namely timber enterprises with deeper wood processing.
